Bee Wuethrich (@BWuethrich)
Bee Wuethrich is a writer, editor and communications strategist focused on global health, climate change, and economic/social development. She directs Focus on Land in Africa, and educational platform about land rights and development based at Landesa, and previously led Weber Shandwick's Social Impact practice in Seattle and served as Vice President, Global Health and Science at Burness Communications.
Founded in 1931, the International Council for Science (ICSU) is a non-governmental organization representing a global membership that includes both national scientific bodies (121 National Members representing 141 countries) and International Scientific Unions (30 Members).
Road to Paris is where science, policy and economics meet on our way to the 2015 climate conference in Paris.
Road to Paris is where science, policy and economics meet on our way to the 2015 climate conference in Paris.